Ruts and divots are problems faced on pretty much every golf course, and it’s some poor soul’s job to inspect the course throughout the day reporting rutting and replacing divots. Luckily for you – pro, amateur or unlucky-divot-fixer – we have a speedy and cost-effective solution. Our grass reinforcement mesh will help maintain the look […]
Grass Reinforcement
Permeable Paving Mats – Expand Your Ideas
Permeable paving mats are a really simple and easy way to enhance your driveway, improve your garden, or protect a pathway and decrease the amount of maintenance necessary on an outside area. These permeable paving grids are a cheap and low maintenance way of improving your driveway, pathway or any outside area. Made from 100% […]
Permeable Grass Plastic Pavers – A Great Start to Any Project
You are ready to build the path or walkway or perhaps driveway that will make your place stand out from the crowd. The permeable grass plastic pavers are just want you need to make the special project happen. By using the plastic pavers you will be helping the environment as the panels used for the permeable grass […]
Consider Ground Reinforcement Grids to Protect Your Area
High traffic areas at homes or offices that do not have existing traditional paving, professional walkways or parking areas suffer the consequences of grass and ground taking all the damage of such high traffic areas. Ground reinforcement grids solve this problem in a cost effective manner, is the ideal solution for car parking, driveways, footpaths, vehicles, […]
A Patch of Garden Shines Through
So you want to create something bold and beautiful to walk on between your house and your garden… How about a using these neat panels to create the pathway of your choosing? Step out into your garden using these pavers you created. By using these pavers you can make stepping stones to move around your […]
Permeable Paving Grid – Let’s Get This Project Started
Parking lots, pathways and driveways, Oh my! Permeable paving grid has you covered which ever project you choose. Permeable paving is a great add on to your list of things to get for your outdoor projects. Permeable paving grids are made from 100 % recycled polyolefin. The permeable paving grids have been created to be […]
Porous Grass Pavers a Fairground Wonderland
Perfect for protecting vulnerable ground from heavy vehicle or pedestrian traffic, our porous grass pavers can be used for a whole number of applications, including most popularly on pathways, golf courses and driveways. Today’s blog focuses on the use of these porous pavers at fair grounds. Fairs pop up throughout the year, all over the […]
Permeable Grass Pavers – Great For Your Paving Needs
Permeable grass pavers are a great product for your next paving project needs. Whether you are using the grass pavers for your driveway or for the walkway in your yard, they are the perfect fit. The grass pavers are made from 100% recycled plastic materials. By using the recycled plastic you are keeping plastic waste […]
Porous Paving Panels Creating a Classic Garden Path
Time to start your next outdoor project. The porous paving panels have got you covered well they have your driveway, walkway or heavy grass traveled area covered. So what will your next outdoor project be? With the porous paving panels you don’t have to choose just one project, you can do them all. Let’s start […]