232sqm X-Grid Gravel Driveway Featured Image
Domestic Driveway Featured Blogs Gravel Driveway Ground Reinforcement

X-Grid® Domestic Gravel Driveway Installation – 232m²

Our latest case study comes from Paul who was looking to transform the front of his home and create a large, decorative and strong gravel driveway that would not migrate regardless of the amount of times it was driven on. Paul began researching online for a gravel grid that would be strong enough to support […]

28m² Gravel Driveway Created Using X-Grid Featured-Image
Car Parking Domestic Driveway Gravel Driveway

28m² Gravel Driveway – Created Using X-Grid®

[siteorigin_widget class=”SiteOrigin_Widget_Image_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget] This case study comes from Cliff, who was looking to create a gravel driveway in place of his current, soil area and needed it to match the rest of his drive. He had already decided that concrete was not right for him due to the curing time and being labour intensive. So the product that […]

Gravel Driveway Installation - Domestic X-Grid® Case Study - Featured Image
Domestic Driveway Gravel Driveway

Gravel Driveway Installation – Domestic X-Grid® Case Study

[siteorigin_widget class=”SiteOrigin_Widget_Image_Widget”][/siteorigin_widget] Project This project comes from Chris at Sage Garden Design. A client approached Chris about having a gravel driveway installed, but due to the slight natural slope of the drive there was likely to be a lot of migration especially when driven on. Which meant Chris had to research and find a Gravel Grid […]