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Grass Protection

Two ‘Dog Inspired’ Grass Protection Mesh Case Studies

Here at MatsGrids, many of our products are problem solvers. Our DIY items are ready and waiting for when someone has an issue that needs a specialist but not too expensive product to fix it. Take this case study for example, Jon and Nicky won’t have looked at our Grass Mesh before, but once their problem began we were the first company they looked for to help solve whatever issue they may be having. To find out what problem Jon and Nicky were facing and which product of ours worked perfectly for them, read on as this could happen to anyone!

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The Projects | Case Study One | Case Study Two | Conclusion |

The Projects

As you will find with most dogs, they just love to dig holes, anywhere and everywhere they can. This was the issue facing both of our customers in this case study. Jon and Nicky’s dogs suddenly decided to become landscapers and completely change the layout of their garden. Trying to discourage the dogs was helping slightly but a gentle aid was needed to stop the problem for good, this is when they both began to search the internet for grass protection products. After a little research they found our website and began browsing our Grass Protection Mesh range. Impressed with what they had found, both Jon and Nicky ordered our mesh the same day they found our website.

Delivered 3 working days later they could both begin their work on their gardens. Read on to see exactly how they used their mesh!

Dog Grass Mesh Projects

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Case Study One – Jon

Jon began searching for our products after his Saluki/Greyhound Lurcher dog began suddenly digging large holes in his garden. As Jon’s garden wasn’t the biggest, this caused a serious mess due to the vast quantities of soil that were scattered around. He told us that he noticed we sold all different types of grass protection mesh so researched each before ordering his.

Before installing the grass mesh, Jon bought some soil and grass seed from a local builders merchant. He filled in the holes and reseeded them to ensure that his lawn would be back to how it was before his dog decided to change the lay out! With the garden now reseeded he began to install his mesh. Jon rolled out his mesh a small amount at a time, securing it into the ground as he went along using Steel U-Pins (Landscaping Staples) to ensure that there was no movement when walked on or so that his dog couldn’t get past it.

Dog Grass Mesh Case Study 1

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Case Study Two – Nicky

Just like Jon, Nicky began searching for a solution after her two dogs began digging up the garden. She compared her garden to the surface of the moon due to the huge holes and craters created by her 4 legged friends! From charging around and digging there was not much grass left so Nicky had to have her turf re-laid, this is when she began searching through our website to find the best product to stop her newly laid lawn from facing the same fate as her last one!

No prior work was needed from Nicky as she had already had new lawn laid, she simply rolled out the grass protection mesh (GrassMesh 450) a little at a time and secured it into the ground using U-Pins. So far her dogs haven’t managed to get through so this should be the end of Nicky’s Moon like garden!

Dog Grass Mesh Case Study 2

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Jon and Nicky are incredibly pleased with their grass protection mesh and how our product has performed to stop their furry friends from destroying their lawns!

Jon told us; “The grass mesh has worked to date as we have had no more excavations on the lawn thank goodness and now all digging is confined to the beach”

Nicky told us; “One month on and the garden is looking great! It certainly seems to be doggy dig proof. We are very happy. Thanks Nicky”

We would like to say a huge thank you to Nicky and Jon for the photos and information they have sent through to enable us to create this fantastic case study, we hope this case study can help save more lawns from being destroyed by excited dogs! Should you have any questions regarding our products or photos and information to share with us, then please do contact us!

Dog Grass Mesh Conclusion

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Bonus Photo

A happy dog, digging to his hearts content at the beach. Fingers crossed for Jon that the beach is the only place he digs from now on!

Dog Grass Mesh Bonus

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