A new innovative item that is sure to make everyone smile. Want to know what it is? Now you are probably wondering, “What is grass protection matting and how does it affect me?” Great questions. Here are the answers you seek. Grass matting is great for a multitude of awesome things.
You can use grass protection matting for your driveway or for creating that amazing looking garden. Or perhaps you want to create a pathway in the park or a walkway on a golf course. There are so many great uses for the matting.
The grass protection matting comes in small lightweight interlocking mats or it can be bought in rolls for use on the larger projects like driveways or parking lots. It is durable and dependable. The unique honeycomb shaping allows the grass to grow through the matting while still keeping the ground below safe and sound. Don’t worry about scaring the grass and ground underneath the matting.
Easy to use or move around and simple to install thanks to the interlocking mats. Change your mind about the design or want to add something else to the border of your project and all you need is to add the desired amount of grass protection mats.
Because they are so strong the grass protection mats can accommodate most vehicles which are what makes it great for driveways or parking lots. It will protect the roots and the ground from being trampled by the cars and the people. This is great for helping the environment. Go Green!
When the grass starts to get a bit too long simply mow over the grass protection matting to get back that beautiful looking space. You can create an awesome landscaping design with the help of the grass protection matting. Place the flowers in alternating patterns or add pebbles to various spots in the honeycomb shapes. Create a checker board in your driveway with alternating pebble colors. The possibilities are endless.
Or perhaps you are having a family gathering at your place. You are going to want to protect your yard from the people who will be parking on your lawn. The grass protection matting will roll out the green carpet for them to walk on. Keeping your lawn safe and giving them a nice green place to park.
The grass protection mats are also handy for those areas of the yard or any space that has problems with dirt erosion. The grass matting allows the grass below to take root which in turn helps keep the dirt stabilized and staying put. Now you have a bit more space in your yard for more great ideas.
Who would have thought something this simple would have so many possibilities and be such a great item? The matting makes any landscaping project come to life fast and easy. Use the grass protection matting for all kinds of cool projects. Let your imagination run wild.
Maintenance is as simple as mowing the lawn that grows over the matting. And because the grass protection matting is a temporary thing you can move it around or remove it if it is no longer needed. The matting is a great addition to any project from the home owner to the business setting.