You need a new or better place to park your car. The porous paving car parking system is just what you need to make your driveway look the best it can. You can change the size or shape of your driveway with the porous car parking lot you create. A great thing to keep in mind is that the porous car parking panels are inline the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 which encourages the use of porous grass paver surfaces. Using the porous grass pavers for your car parking lot will help to prevent against flooding.
The dimensions for the porous paving car parking pavers are 330 x 330 x 40 mm. The porous car parking pavers have a load bearing capacity of up to 320 tonnes. The porous car parking pavers have a compression strength of up to 10 tonnes axle load weight. This is terrific for even your heaviest vehicle to be parked with no worries. The porous car parking pavers come in three colours for a little something extra in your parking project. The colours are green, black and natural with more colours available upon request.
The porous car parking pavers are made from 100% recycled plastic so they are Eco-Friendly. Go Green!! So by using our porous car parking pavers you are not only making your driveway or outdoor car paring project stand out you are also helping the environment.Using recycled plastic to make the porous car parking pavers you are preventing the plastic waste from ending up in the already over flowing landfills. Together we can help make the world a better place to live by recycling out used plastic items.
The porous car parking pavers can be filled with soil and grass seed, soil and flower seed or gravel. You can use grass, flowers or gravel in the porous car parking pavers to create individual parking spots or borders for the parking area. No matter what you chose to do with you porous car parking pavers you will have a space that stands out above the other driveways or parking areas.
The porous car parking pavers work best on a level area. The interlocking system has the best success at keeping the pavers snug and safe when the ground the porous car parking pavers are used on a compact and leveled area. The porous car parking pavers have a non-slip exterior to help prevent slip and fall accidents.
The porous car parking pavers are lightweight, UV and weather resilient, strong and dependable and come in a variety of colours. You can make your project really stand out above the competitors’products. Concrete, asphalt and gravel driveways will cost a ton of money because you will have to do maintenance repairs over the lifetime. The porous car parking pavers won’t crack, buckle or wash away like the concrete, asphalt and gravel driveways will which means you will save money. Who doesn’t like to save money?
So there is no holding you back now. You know that the porous paving car parking pavers are made from 100% recycled plastic, are lightweight, will last through the temperature and season changes and is your best way to save time and money. You have chosen your first of hopefully many projects with the porous car parking pavers. Let’s get this build started!