We’ve all at one point as a child, fallen from a swing or a climbing frame and escaped with nothing but the slightest graze. Now imagine the people in charge of erecting those play areas hadn’t even taken into account health and safety, no softer ground or mats for you to fall on. We would have all undoubtedly come off much worse, which is why we test and supply our products. To ensure that little falls stay little and never become anything more than a small pain that is quickly forgotten about. A company got in touch with us regarding an upcoming project where mats were needed under an adventure area, read on to see what product they decided on and how it performed.
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| The Project | The Work | Conclusion |
The Project
When it comes to children’s play areas or climbing frames, safety must be the number one priority. Here at MatsGrids, a large selection of our products come with the safety benefits needed to help create a fun yet safe area for everyone to play.
Our Rubber Grass Mats were perfect for when Barge Group Ltd got in touch with us regarding a play area project where safety matting was needed around a wooden obstacle course. As you can see from the before photos, the pre-laid matting had become worn and had been pushed down into the ground to a point of no longer being effective. Resulting in the mats needing replacing before the play area could again be used.
The Work
The actual work was quite straight forward for the team to complete. To start off, the existing rubber grass mats needed to be taken up and disposed of responsibly to make way for the new ones. Due to the wooden play areas being used so frequently, the old mats had been trodden down into the turf below so it was flush with the rest of the surrounding ground. This in turn meant the mats had lost their softening qualities so were no longer effective in keeping the areas safe.
With the old mats now gone and the new ones delivered to the site, the team could begin the process of laying the new mats. Firstly was a check if the ground to see what condition the turf and soil had been left in by the last mats, had the ground been damaged too much it would have needed to be filled in and left to regenerate before fitting the new grass protection mats. Luckily the ground was fine as the team were able to lay the mats straight away. They simply laid the mats down by the obstacles and measured how much would need to be cut off of the side to compensate for where the structure supports stick into the ground. Grass mats can be easily cut to fit using a strong pair of scissors or secateurs.
Once cut to size, the rubber grass mats were laid in position and tied together using 10 Plastic Cable Ties per mat to ensure there is no separation. When connected they are then secured into the ground using 5 Plastic Pegs per mat to keep them from moving when walked or ran on. The same is then repeated for each obstacle in the play area to ensure they are all cut to size and safe and secure.
Barge Group and their client were incredibly happy with the result of the finished project. One happy company, one happy client!
Barge told us; “In line with our own environmental policies, it sits well with us that they (rubber grass mats) are made from recycled rubber, are of fantastic quality and a good price. With no ground work required, they were perfect for the flat and contoured areas of the site and so easy to install with cable ties and fixing pegs.”
We are delighted that Barge continue to trust us to supply the best quality materials for their projects and would like to say a huge thank you to them for the information and fantastic photos.
Should you have any questions or queries regarding an upcoming project then please do not hesitate to contact us.